Thursday, June 30, 2005

For-profit charters in a dither over losing federal funds

For-profit charter owners/operators in Arizona are set to lose $3.6 million in federal special ed and Title I funding, according to this Arizona Republic article. A quick search of found, buried in this August 24, 2004 document, that the schools aren't really "losing" the funds (as the editorial lambasted in this shutupandteach post suggests), they just were never supposed to receive them in the first place:
Under Arizona State law, charter school LEAs may be private or public entities. However, under applicable Federal laws and regulations, only public entities may receive Title I and IDEA funds.
Now this has me confused for several reasons:
  1. Are no for-profit schools, anywhere in the country, supposed to be receiving Title I and IDEA funds? And are they receiving them anyway?
  2. What is the logic behind cracking down on this funding? Isn't it going to further encourage for-profits to "counsel out" costly special ed students, who could eat into profits?

1 comment:

EdWonk said...

I think that you nailed it. The for profits won't be interested in serving special education students if they reduce their profit margins.